Tag: nginx

  • Posted on NGINX Ingress Controller in GKE

    NGINX Ingress Controller in GKE

    This tutorial is part of a series I am creating on creating, running and managing Kubernetes on GCP the way I do in my day job. In this episode, we are covering how to setup a nginx ingress controller to handle incoming requests. Note There may be some things I have skimmed over, if so or you see a glaring hole in my configuration...

  • Posted on SSL Certificate with Let's Encrypt on Linux

    SSL Certificate with Let's Encrypt on Linux

    Introduction This is a really quick tutorial on how to add a free Let’s Encrypt certificate to your Debian 10 machine running in any environment. Pre-requisites Before starting this process, ensure you have the following available Access to the root account or sudo access A domain name that you own and have control over the...